The available options for marketing your business are endless. Mass mailings, custom websites, commercials, paid ads on the internet, etc. All of these programs require continued effort and resources. One very effective strategy that requires no additional effort while remaining effective is exterior and interior signage. Utilizing this strategy secures a one-time purchase that will advertise your business 24/7 for the life of the sign.
Why Should I Worry About Signs?
Even with so many effective digital marketing strategies, the effectiveness of a good sign campaign puts you in front of the public eye like no other program. Signage directs new customers towards your business that might not have otherwise been able to find you.
However, just having signage isn’t enough. You need attractive signs that will catch people’s eyes. You need a good design paired with essential information about your business. And to create these signs, there are some tips you’ll want to take into consideration.
What Makes a Sign Effective?
Since purchasing a sign package involves a one-time investment, the design process is essential. Defining the type of signage needed leads to a successful implementation. You need to consider storefront or office front signage as a marquee, or if you need directional signage that will help people get to your store. Do you want to announce an upcoming event or a sale? Or perhaps you’re looking for a way to persuade people to visit your business.
Now is the time to think about a complete signage package. Doing this now allows you to put together a cohesive sign package that provides consistency in your message and branding. The most important step in creating a strong presence involves consistency in branding. It’s not just about what your business does, but how your business conveys a difference from competitive brands.
Using consistent branding will make your brand immediately recognizable no matter if they’re looking at your social media or if they’re looking at one of your signs. This creates the ability to get you noticed at a glance as well as memorable so that your company comes to mind when a customer’s needs arise.
What Types of Signs Should I Consider?
In addition to storefront signs and marquis signs, lawn signs, portable signs or car door magnets and vehicle wraps will expose your brand to even more people. For example, if your employees regularly travel to customers’ homes or offices, wraps and removable car door magnets build brand awareness. If your business is located on a well-traveled road or sidewalk, portable signage is very effective, such as an A-frame sign, on the sidewalk during business hours to attract passersby. If your company is tucked out of the way in a grassy office park, lawn signs and banners will help direct customers to your location.
The professionals at Paramount Signs will help in your journey to create the most effective sign package for your business. Contact us today for a free consultation.
Remember, “getting you noticed is Paramount”